Discover the timeless elegance of the Salem, a beloved classic from Bailey. Meticulously crafted from Toyo braid, this hat exudes both sophistication and durability. Its neutral color palette serves as a versatile canvas, effortlessly complementing a wide range of outfits and styles.
What sets the Bailey Salem apart is its attention to detail. Adorned with a custom pop color striped band, this hat adds a playful and distinctive touch to your ensemble. It's the perfect blend of sophistication and personality, allowing you to make a statement with your headwear.
Whether you're strolling through the city streets or relaxing by the beach, Salem will be your faithful companion. Experience the comfort and style of this Bailey classic, designed to stand the test of time and enhance your fashion repertoire. Elevate your look with Salem and embrace a hat that effortlessly combines classic charm with a hint of contemporary flair.